Power Star Pawan Kalyan's 30 minutes special role in 'Gopala Gopala' has not only disappointed his fans but also the makers. They have reportedly asked Pawan Kalyan to allot more number of dates to increase the length of his role in the movie. However, Pawan Kalyan denied their proposal as he felt this decision might spoil the original flavour of the story of the movie. This is a sensible decision from Pawan Kalyan.
It is known that Akshay Kumar has played lord Kirshna's role in the original version 'Oh My God'. He was seen for 20 minutes in the movie. Comparing with Akshay's role, Pawan Kalyan's role has been extended to 10 minutes without disturbing the story of the movie. The movie is likely to release this year end. Kishore Pardasani is the director of the movie.