Hero Allu Sirish's decent hit movie 'Kotha Janta' entered profit zone at the end of its two weeks run world wide. As per the reports, the movie collected Rs.1.67 cr. in Nizam, Ceded- Rs.0.89 cr.,, Nellore- 0.21 cr., Krishna-0.41 cr., Guntur- -.44 crores, Vizag-0.87 cr., East Godavari-0.49 cr., West Godavari- 0.38 cr.. Overseas and other states- Rs. 0.60 lakhs. On a whole, the movie has neared Rs.6 crores share world wide.
Regina Cassandra has done opposite to Allu Sirish in this romantic and comedy entertainer. The movie's music has been scored by JB. Maruthi has directed this movie on Geetha Arts.