Hero Manchu Vishnu is all set to sponsor the biggest body building competitions to be held in Hyderabad. He will sponsor the cash prize of Rs.5 lakhs for these competitions. According to the details, Bhagyanagar Body Building Association has announced a Body Building Competition titled 'Vishnu Manchu Mr. Bhagyanagar 2014'. The competition will be held at Ganesh Temple Complex Open Auditorium, Vanasthalipuram, Hyderabad from 4:00 PM onwards on the 16th February. The President says the competition will carry prize money of Rs. 1,00,000/- for the title winner.
Meanwhile, Manchu Vishnu's multi-starrer movie 'Pandavulu Pandavulu Thummeda' has been released recently and got good reviews. He is currently doing another multi-starrer in the combo of his dad, Mohan Babu for the movie 'Rowdy'. Ram Gopal Varma is directing the film.