The sudden demise of Dr.Akkineni Nageswarara Rao has been a big shock to tollywood. Meanwhile, speculations were rife that if ANR completed his portion in his last movie 'Manam' or not. However, the film's sources have made it clear that ANR completed his part's shoot in the movie. Moreover, he completed the dubbing work of the movie as well. The movei is being planned for the festive season, Ugadi's release.
Apart from ANR, King Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya are doing the lead star cast of this multi-starrer. Shriya and Samantha are doing the female leads of the film. Anoop Rubens is composing the music of the movie. Vikram Kumar is directing this film.The movie is being produced by Nagarjuna on Annapurna Studios.