While Ramcharan’s next movie in direction of Krishna Vamsi is still waiting to go on floors, we have got the information on Tamanna being roped as heroine. This is past because producer Bandla Ganesh Babu has offered the advance remuneration now to Kajal Agarwal replacing Tamanna in the project. Due to hectic schedules and tight call sheets, Tamanna could not allot the needed number of days for Charan and Vamsi.
As of now, Tammu has ‘Aagadu’ with Mahesh Babu and ‘Bahubali’ with Prabhas going in parallel. So, she could not adjust the call sheets and resultantly, the lucky star Kajal Agarwal got the final call. Coincidentally, both Kajal and Tamanna bought success to Cherry in the form of ‘Magadheera, Naayak’ and ‘Rachcha’ respectively. Let us see, how it works this time with Krishna Vamsi movie.