Tollywood actresses have been busy these days with store launches in Seemandhra. Anushka has recently launched a cloth showroom in the city of Kakinada. Kajal too, visited Kakinada recently. Catherine launched a showroom in Rajahmundry on Monday. Swetha Basu Prasad and Nanditha have opened a shop in Bheemavaram town recently.
It is heard that the actresses are getting handsome remunerations for store launches. Anushka, who is in big demand among all the heroines, is charging Rs.18 lakhs for a store launch. Other heroines are also getting good package such as Kajal wiith Rs.10 lakhs, Anjali-5 lakhs,Catherine-3 lakhs, Pranitha-3 lakhs,Kriti-1.5 lakhs,Nanditha and swetha- 1 lakh each.