Young hero Naga Chaitanya is all set to work for another project. It is heard that Akula Siva has recently narrated a story to Naga Chaitanya. Both Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya are said to have been impressed with the story. The movie is likely to go on floors from 21st of December. Bubbly babe Hansika will be doing opposite to Naga Chaitanya in this movie while Anoop Rubens will score the music. C.Kalyan will produce this movie. More details on this project are awaited.
Having delivered a decent hit in the form of 'Tadakha', Naga Chaitanya is currently working for Akkineni's multi-starrer 'Manam'. Samantha is teaming up with Chaitu in the movie. Vikram Kumar is the director. On the other hand, Naga Chaitanya's action entertainer, 'Auto Nagar Surya' is in the last leg of its shoot.