
Channels' discussion Programs Turn Funny!

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Channels' discussion Programs Turn Funny!
Channels' discussion Programs Turn Funny!

Between 7 and 8.30am everyday, different news Channels telecast hot discussion programs on current politics. The anchors read the headlines of the Telugu newspapers before starting their discussions. Incidentally, a top Telugu news Channel of the state reads the headlines from a 'number one' newspaper first. Strangely, it prefers to read 'number three' newspaper next. Co-incidentally, both these newspapers encourage a particular political party. Meanwhile, a youth politician's newspaper gets third place in anchor's reading. However, as far as circulation is concerned, the  politician's newspaper occupies second position. Finally, it is evident that the Channel has bias on the same political party, that is supported by the newspapers, which are read by the anchor with initial preferences.

However, the youth politician too, is teaching a tit for tat lesson to that Channel, as he reportedly bought  'poll results' of another Channel's discussion program at the same time. Everyday, the Channel poses a question based on the youth politician and invites SMS messages from the viewers. Strangely, every time, the ultimate winner is youth politician only.

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