How long will AP NGOs continue their indefinite Strike? This particular question generates curiosity among the people of AP. Before discussing this matter, let's have a look at the Strike of Telangana employees last year. Telangana employees continued their Strike for 42 days. Afterwards, they called off the Strike due to several reasons. The very first reason to end the Strike was that the government didn't respond to their agitations. Many employees suffered financially as they had not got salaries due to Strike. Moreover, there was an agitation from the parents as they worried about closure of schools and colleges for more than a month.
As per the observers, AP NGOs will surely cross the record of 42 days Strike made by Telangana employees. Already it is 34th day since the start of the Strike. Likely the Strike will be continued till this month end or the first week of the next month. However, we can't deny if the Strike will be continued like a marathon run for many months. We have to wait and see if the problem is solved or not in this Strike period.