Naga Chaitanya's 'Auto Nagar Surya' had been on floors quite a long while. This movie had to face financial crisis and has not been released even though the shoot of the movie has almost finished. Also, there have been gossips that the movie has been shelved.
However, the latest tweet of Deva Katta, the director of the film, makes Chaitu's fans to pin hopes on the movie's release. The director posted a tweet as, "ANS finishing wrk to strt soon. Aftr knowing more details, I wud like discard some of the comments posted a while bck on twitter :)Samantha teamed up with Naga Chaitanya in this mass entertainer. Anoop Rubens scored the music of the movie. The movie was produced by Achireddy under Max India Productions while it was presented by RR Movie Makers.