Young Tiger Ntr's 'Ramayya Vastavayya's three days shoot at Ooty started today. Samantha, after taking a short break, will join the shoot of the film soon. Buzz is that the audio launch of the movie will be held on 25th of August while the movie is slated for release either on 27th of September or 2nd October.
Apart from Samantha, Shruthi Haasan is essaying a crucial role in this film. Ntr will be seen as an aggressive student in this youthful and action entertainer. The first look and teaser of the movie which were released some days ago received great response among Ntr's fans.Thaman is scoring the music of the film. The movie is being directed by Harish Shankar. Dil Raju is producing the movie on Sri Venkateswara Creations.