Mega Power Star Ram Charan's bollywood debut movie 'Zanjeer's trailer was unveiled on the night of 4th July. The trailer is just simply rocking. As we, the people of Andhra Pradesh, have already watched the trailer 'Thoofan', except a few changes, both the trailers are one and the same. In Telugu, we see the powerful dialogues of Srihari, apart from Ram Charan's. Where as in Hindi version's trailer, Sanjay Dutt's interesting dialogues can be seen. The body language as a cop and action sequences done by Ram Charan are simply superb and terrific. This trailer surely grabs the attention of North Indians.
Bollywood beauty, Priyanka Chopra has done the female lead of this action entertainer. Produced by Amit Mehra, the movie was directed by Apoorva Lakhia. The movie is slated for release on 6th of September.
Click Here to see the Zanjeer Trailer