Some days ago, it was revealed that Prince Mahesh Babu and director Sukumar's movie title might be confirmed as either 'One' or 'Columbus', as per the buzz from film nagar. Now, it is learnt that some of the fans are reportedly requesting the makers to confirm the title 'One' as they wish to see their favourite hero as 'number one'. Anyways, the makers are going to reveal the title of the movie along with its first look on 31st of this month.
However, some of the analysts are of the opinion that title itself doesn't change the fate of a movie or the position of a hero. Long back, superstar Krishna acted a movie 'Number One'. In fact, Chiranjeevi was holding the real number one position then. Even Balakrishna too, acted a movie 'Top Hero'. Unfortunately, the movie could not become a top hit. It was a flop. If 'One' is confirmed as the title of Mahesh, the theme and narration of the subject should be number one. Then only it becomes 'number one' hit at the box office and thus makes Mahesh the number one.