While Padma Vibhushan, Akkineni Nageswara Rao was ruling the roost, he was very keen at some of the departments in his movies. Especially, he was careful in selecting top rated heroines then. That's why we can see innumerable number of movies in the combo of ANR-Savitri, ANR-Vanisri, ANR-Jayasudha, ANR-Sridevi etc. Perhaps, he was of the opinion that heroine also plays a vital role in the success of a movie.
Looks like Naga Chaitanya, the grandson of ANR, is also following the similar strategy of his 'Tatagaru'. Tamanna and Samantha are the most sought after heroines now. Chaitu has already acted two movies each with both the heroines. With Tamanna, Chaitu did '100% Love' and 'Tadakha'. He paired up with Samantha in the movies 'Ye Maaya Chesave' and 'Auto Nagar Surya'. And now, both of these heroines, have been roped in for the remake of 'Hello Brother' in which Naga Chaitanya will play the role of Nagarjuna of the original version. Anyways, the combo of Naga Chaitanya, Tamanna and Samantha is generating lot of expectations among the movie buffs.