" If you feel 'Tadakha' is not upto your expectations, you may come to my office and do agitate," said Bellamkonda Suresh, the producer of 'Tadakha' during the audio launch ceremony. From then, Naga Chaitanya's fans pinned all their hopes on the success of the movie. Finally, the movie hit the screens on 10th May,2013 and received positive talk from all the corners. Even then, the fans of Chaitu are heard to have decided to go to Bellamkonda's office. But then, instead of agitation, they would thank to the producer for offering such an entertaining film.
Directed by Dolly, the movie has Sunil, Tamanna and Andrea Jeremiah in it. Thaman rendered the music of the movie. The movie was made on Sri Sai Ganesh Productions.