Young Rebel Star Prabhas' 'Baahubali' is all set to be launched on 14th of May. The regular shoot itself is expected to start on the same day. Young hero Rana is playing the role of a brother of Prabhas in the film while gorgeous beauty Anushka is doing the female lead. MM Keeravani scores the music. Sobhu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni are making the movie on Arka Media. Meanwhile, 'Baahubali's short form 'BB' has interesting definitions which are well set for the movie's grandeur. Checkout the following.
* Baahubali(BB): BB is an abbreviated form of 'Baahubali'.
* BIG BUDGETED(BB): As the makers are spending more than Rs.70 crores for this project, this short form is well set for the movie.
* BLOCKBUSTER(BB): As of now, Rajamouli has given no flops in his career. Since 'Baahubali' is expected to break records after its release, the movie might get the status of 'Blockbuster'.