The AP state government conferred the Ntr National Award to bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Also, the government announced Raghupathi Venkaiah award to Kaikala Satyanarayana, BN Reddy award to Shyam Benegal and Nagireddy-Chakrapani award to Adisheshagiri Rao. Given below are the details of those great personalities.
* AMITABH BACHCHAN: Amitabh Bachchan ruled bollywood as a number one hero in 1970s and 80s. This great film personality is acting in movies even today with full of enthusiasm. He is going to receive NTR award by AP state government.
* KAIKALA SATYANARAYANA: He is one of the all time best character artists of tollywood. He is considered to be the successor of SVR, after the latter's demise. He was conferred Raghupathi Venkaiah award.
* SHYAM BENEGAL: He is the Indian film director who mostly directed parallel movies such as 'Ankur', 'Nishant' etc. He was announced the prestigious BN Reddy award.
* G. ADISESHAGIRI RAO: He was one of the good producers of tollywood. Being the brother of Superstar Krishna, he produced maximum number of movies with him. He is one of the owners of Padmalaya Studios. He was conferred Nagireddy-Chakrapani award by the state government.