Riding high with the blockbuster success of 'Gabbar Singh', the director Harish Shankar is currently busy with the shoot of Young Tiger Ntr's movie. As per the latest update, the director is heard to have registered a title 'Panduga Chesuko' at the film chamber. Although the cast and crew of this movie is unknown, it is certainly going to be another big hero's movie. Only the director has to reveal the name of the hero, until then, the suspense will be continued.
Jr.Ntr is playing a college student role in this movie. Earlier, we have seen Jr.Ntr's superb performances in student roles in 'Student Number One' and 'Aadi'. Thaman is scoring the music of the film while dusky beauty Samantha will be seen opposite to Jr.Ntr. Dil Raju is producing this movie on Sri Venkateswara Creations.