The new speculation which started to make rounds in film nagar circles from today morning is about Balakrishna's new film story. As per media sources, this project happens to be the 100th one for Balayya under the production of Yalamanchali Sai Babu of 'Sri Rama Rajyam' fame with a budget of nearly Rs. 30 Crores investment. As usual Nayanathara will be the heroine while Balakrishna will direct it inspired or call it a freemake of Disney's popular cartoon animated film 'The Lion King.'
While no one knows where the actual story sittings and script developments are going on but sources report of veteran writers Harinatha Rao and Venu being roped to finetune all the changes needed to make this line suit for Balakrishna. Wish that, Nandamuri Fans will be thrilled with this news of Balayay adapting a Hollywood cartoon film for his 100th Tollywood film.