Ace director Trivikram has revealed the story of 'Julayi' in a nutshell, in a's interview. As per the story; We have to spend a rupee for a lottery ticket, even if we want to win one lakh rupee.However, the hero of the movie craves for easy money and he gets it. However, at a certain stage he falls in deep troubles with that money. Later, he gets realized his mistakes and wants to do an honest job and that's the end of the story.
Well, after the revelation of the above story line, certainly the expectations on the movie might be doubled and that's why Trivikram had revealed the story line of the movie. Sexy sizzling beauty Ileana did the love interest of Bunny in the film. Devi Sri Prasad has given mind boggling energetic tunes for this movie. Radhakrishna has produced this movie under the movie Harika and Hassine Creations.