All of a sudden, surprising changes have been made in Ram Charan's forthcoming projects. As per his previous commitments, Ram Charan has to do 'Evadu' movie immediately after the completion of 'Rachcha'. He committed V.V.Vinayak's movie next after 'Evadu'. However, the regular shoot of Ram Charan, V.V.Vinayak's combo movie was started on 6th February, leaving a big surprise to everybody.
As per the sources, 'Evadu' is going to be an experimental film and hence, Ram Charan was advised not to do that project immediately after 'Rachcha'. Moreover, his fans have been sending messages to him to work with Vinayak movie first rather giving importance to other movies, especially this time. Their wish is that if the movie is released for this Dasara, this movie is going to stand the best among other Dasara releases like, 'SVSC'. And now, Ram Charan is said to have kept concentration on Vinayak's project to fulfill his fans wishes. Ram Charan is doing dual role in this film. Kajal and Parul Yadav are the heroines. This movie is going to be a right mix of Chiranjeevi's 'Rowdy Alludu' and 'Donga Mogudu'.