Top hero Rajinikanth is trapped in mixed feel of joy and depressed state. While son-in-law Dhanush has become a true heir to Rajini’s Fan following with ‘Kolaveri Di,’ here is the deterring fact of Dhanush running a romantic affair with heroine Shruti Hasan off the screen. Transparency and truth behind this gossip is although questionable, Kolly sources report of Rajini spending sleepless nights ever since news of Dhanush getting cozy with his ‘3’ heroine Shruti has fallen into his ears.
Rajini is a worried man because of his daughter Aishwarya and two grand children. On this regard, Rajini had a closed door meeting with Dhanush’s father Kasturi Raja to reprimand his son as they do not want Aishwarya to suffer because of this link up. Then Raja warned Dhanush to nip the issue in bud. Few of the close friends of Dhanush confided the news to Rajini when they have seen Dhanush getting very intimate with Shruti. Earlier to this, Dhanush’s proximity with Nayanatara is also blown out of proportion until Rajini intruded in between.