The Kanchana franchise, known for its horror comedy genre, has been a massive hit among audiences in the South and North. With three successful installments already released, the time has come for Kanchana 4. The film, directed by Raghava Lawrence, is expected to go on floors in January or February 2025. The movie will be produced by Gold Mine Films and will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam languages.
The film's cast is slowly taking shape, with reports suggesting that Pooja Hegde will play the female lead role. Additionally, Nora Fatehi has been roped in to play a key role in the film. The movie's budget is expected to be around Rs. 100 crores, making it a grand and ambitious project. With the Kanchana series having a significant following in Hindi, the film's national release is highly anticipated.
The Kanchana franchise has been a benchmark for horror comedy films in India. The series has been remade in Hindi, with Akshay Kumar starring in the remake of the first film, Lakshmi. With the current season seeing a surge in horror films, Kanchana 4 is expected to be a money-making film for the producers if the content clicks.
The film's producer, Manish Shah, has announced that Kanchana 4 will have a digital release eight weeks after its theatrical release. With the film's massive budget and grand scale, expectations are high for Kanchana 4. Fans of the franchise can expect a thrilling and entertaining ride, with Raghava Lawrence's signature style of horror comedy.