Rajinikanth scored a resounding hit with Jailer directed by Nelson Dilip Kumar and on Pongal, the makers announced the sequel for the film Jailer 2. The glimpse showed Rajinikanth making powerful entry roaring his way once again as Tiger Muthuvel Pandian.
Jailer had many cameos from stars from various industries but did not feature any Tollywood star. Nelson Dilip Kumar planned to rope in Natasimha Balakrishna for a powerful cameo but he wasn't sure whether Balakrishna will agree or not.
Speaking to scribes, Nelson Dilip Kumar said " I wanted to rope in Balakrishna sir in Jailer. But in part 1 I did not get proper placement. I wasn't sure whether he would agree even if I approach him. But now I want to bring him in Jailer 2"
Nelson continued " If I feel that in Jailer 2 if Balakrishna does that role it will be powerful, I will definitely approach him. My thoughts are to cast him in a deadly attacking police officer role. I should write the character arc in a perfect manner. My dream is to cast all super stars in Jailer ".