Global star Ram Charan's latest movie, Game Changer, was released on January 10 as a Sankranthi gift. Despite initial mixed reviews, the film has been performing well at the box office, thanks to the festive season. The movie unit has officially announced that Game Changer collected 186 crores on its first day. With Game Changer now in theaters, Ram Charan has already shifted his focus to his next project, RC16, directed by Buchibabu Sana. The film, which is said to have a sports backdrop, has already completed one schedule of shooting in Mysore.
Ram Charan is known for taking his time to complete his films, but this time around, he plans to work at a faster pace. The actor had to allocate almost two years for Game Changer, which made it impossible for him to take up another project. However, Ram Charan is now keen to complete RC16 quickly and release it by Dussehra. This would be a significant change of pace for the actor, who has been working on a single film for the past two years. According to Tollywood sources, Ram Charan plans to work non-stop to complete RC16 and bring it to his fans quickly.
Ram Charan has expressed his desire to release at least two or one movie a year, considering his fans have been waiting for a long time for his films. With RC16 already in the works, Ram Charan has also lined up another project, RC17, with director Sukumar. While it remains to be seen whether RC16 will be completed quickly and released for Dussehra. The actor is expected to start shooting for the second schedule of RC16 as soon as the Sankranthi festival is over.
As Ram Charan gears up for his next film, his fans are excited to see what he has in store for them. With Game Changer in theaters, Ram Charan's focus on completing RC16 quickly and releasing it by Dussehra is a welcome move for his fans. Whether he will be able to stick to his new plan of releasing films at a faster pace remains to be seen, but one thing is certain - Ram Charan's fans are eagerly awaiting his next film.