Samantha Ruth Prabhu dazzled at the IIFA Utsavam 2024 Awards in Abu Dhabi, turning heads with her stunning Akila gown designed by Kresha Bajaj. The breathtaking attire featured intricate glass crystal beads, an ombre color palette, and delicate beading, perfectly complementing her confident demeanor.
Samantha's look was a testament to her bold fashion choices, earning her a spot as one of the best-dressed stars of the evening. Her minimalist jewelry added sophistication without overpowering the ensemble. The actress received the Women of the Year in Indian Cinema Award, recognizing her incredible contributions to the film industry.
Kresha Bajaj revealed the gown's inspiration came from ancient Egyptian culture, with the ombre effect created using three hues and varying bead ratios. Each tassel and panel was handcrafted to fit Samantha's body, creating a fluid structure. The scallop pattern of the beading nodded to traditional Egyptian designs.
The IIFA Utsavam 2024 was a star-studded affair, honoring South Indian film industry talents. With the IIFA Awards 2024 upcoming, hosted by Shah Rukh Khan, fans eagerly anticipate thrilling performances by top Bollywood stars. Samantha's appearance, award win, and contributions to Indian cinema, solidifying her status as a powerhouse in the entertainment industry.