Tamil actor Jayam Ravi has filed a police complaint against his estranged wife, Aarti Ravi, alleging that she forcibly removed him from their home following their divorce announcement. The couple, married for 15 years, has two sons, Aarav and Ayaan.
On September 9, Jayam Ravi shared a statement announcing the end of his marriage, citing careful consideration and requesting privacy. However, the situation has taken a dramatic turn, with the actor claiming Aarti refused to allow him to retrieve his personal belongings.
According to reports, the dispute escalated into a heated argument over property and possessions. Jayam Ravi claims he has been denied access to his items, prompting him to seek police assistance. Authorities are currently investigating the case.
The developments have sparked intense interest among Jayam Ravi's fans and the public, who are closely following the actor's personal life. The divorce dispute has become a sensational topic, highlighting the challenges of celebrity marriages.