Chiyaan Vikram's Thangalaan, which released on August 15, has performed decently well at the box office and is now gearing up for its OTT premiere. The film's Hindi version was released after its successful run in Tamil, and Netflix has reportedly bagged the streaming rights for a whopping Rs 35 crore. Although the official OTT release date has not been announced, it is expected to premiere on Netflix on September 20, 2024, in five languages, including Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi.
The film boasts a star-studded cast, including Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Daniel Caltagirone, Pasupathy, and Hari Krishnan Anbudurai, among others. Vikram, known for his stellar performances in films like Anniyan, Sethu, Deiva Thirumagal, and Ponniyin Selvan, plays the titular role in the Tamil period drama Thangalaan. Set against the backdrop of the 19th-century Kolar gold mines in Karnataka, the film has generated buzz around its OTT release.
Thangalaan's OTT premiere is highly anticipated, with fans eager to watch the film on Netflix. The film's director, Pa Ranjith, and the team are reportedly hoping to work on a follow-up movie. With its successful theatrical run and upcoming OTT release, Thangalaan is poised to reach a wider audience and cement Vikram's position as one of the most popular names in Tamil cinema.
As the OTT release date approaches, fans can expect to witness Vikram's captivating performance in Thangalaan once again. The film's unique storyline, set against the backdrop of the Kolar gold mines, and its talented cast make it a must-watch. With Netflix bagging the streaming rights, Thangalaan is set to reach a global audience, further solidifying its position as a notable film in Tamil cinema.