Thangalaan, the period action film starring Chiyaan Vikram, has emerged as a hit at the box office, impressing audiences with its exceptional making, performances, and music. The film, directed by Pa Ranjith, is now gearing up for its OTT release, with Netflix bagging the streaming rights for a whopping Rs. 35 crore. According to recent updates, Thangalaan is set to have its grand OTT release on Netflix on September 20, 2024, just over 35 days after its theatrical release.
Although the makers or Netflix have not officially announced the OTT release date, it is expected to be available in five languages, including the original Tamil and dubbed versions in Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. The film boasts a talented cast, including Parvathy Thiruvothu, Malavika Mohanan, Daniel Caltagirone, Pasupathy, and Hari Krishnan Anbudurai, among others.
GV Prakash Kumar has composed the songs and original score, with Kishor Kumar handling the cinematography and Selva RK editing the film. Thangalaan is jointly produced by Pa Ranjith's Neelam Productions and Studio Green. As the OTT release approaches, fans can expect an official announcement poster from Netflix, confirming the release date.
With its exceptional making and performances, Thangalaan is expected to continue its success streak on Netflix, reaching a wider audience and cementing its position as one of the most successful films of the year. Chiyaan Vikram's portrayal of Thangalaan has received widespread acclaim, and the film's OTT release is highly anticipated by fans and critics alike.