Allu Arjun gunning for Janhvi. Janhvi Kapoor, the daughter of Boney Kapoor, is making a strategic foray into Tollywood, aiming to establish herself as a prominent actress in the South Indian film industry. Her upcoming debut, "Ammadu Devara" with NTR, has generated significant buzz, and she's already signed on for a second project with director Charan Buchi Babu.
However, it appears that Janhvi's ambitions extend beyond these initial ventures. There's growing speculation that she has caught the eye of Allu Arjun, one of Tollywood's biggest stars. While official confirmation is pending, reports suggest that Allu Arjun is considering pairing with Janhvi for his next film after "Pushpa 2."
This potential collaboration is fueled by a confluence of factors. Janhvi's Bollywood career hasn't been without its challenges, and she seems eager to capitalize on the opportunities Tollywood presents. Meanwhile, Allu Arjun, known for his meticulous casting choices, is looking for a fresh face to complement his upcoming project with director Trivikram Srinivas, slated to begin filming in early 2025.
While the pairing is intriguing, it remains unclear whether Janhvi will ultimately secure the role. However, her willingness to explore new avenues and the increasing popularity of pan-India films have paved the way for Bollywood stars to enter Tollywood.