Versatile Actor Dhanush, who made his Hollywood debut with The Gray Man, is reportedly in talks to star in the upcoming film Avengers: Doomsday, directed by the Russo Brothers. If confirmed, this will mark Dhanush's second Hollywood film and collaboration with the Russo Brothers. Dhanush will allegedly play an important character in the film, which will feature Robert Downey Jr. as the villainous Dr. Doom.
Dhanush's versatility as an actor has impressed audiences worldwide, and his potential role in Avengers: Doomsday is highly anticipated. Although neither Dhanush nor the Russo Brothers have confirmed the casting, the news has generated significant buzz among fans. Dhanush's previous Hollywood film, The Gray Man, received positive reviews, and his performance was well-received.
In addition to his potential role in Avengers: Doomsday, Dhanush is working on several other projects, including his third directorial film Nilavaku Enmel Ennadi Kobam and the Telugu-Tamil film Kubera, directed by Sekhar Kammula. He is also set to star in a biopic on Ilaiyaraaja, directed by Arun Matheswaran. Release dates for these films have not been announced yet.
Dhanush's recent Tamil film Raayan, which he directed and starred in, is currently running in theaters. The film has received mixed reviews and features an ensemble cast, including Dushara Vijayan, Sundeep Kishan, and Kalidas Jayaram. With his diverse range of projects, Dhanush continues to solidify his position as a talented and versatile actor in the Indian film industry.