Bellamkonda propelling his upcoming projects. Bellamkonda Sai Sreenivas, son of renowned Tollywood producer Bellamkonda Suresh, has had a mixed journey in the film industry. While his debut film "Alludu Seenu" was a hit, subsequent projects yielded varying results. Despite delivering successes like "Jaya Janaki Nayaka" and "Rakshasudu," he faced setbacks with others, including the Bollywood remake of "Chhatrapathi."
Currently awaiting the release of "Tyson Naidu", "Stuartpuram Donga" and "Kishkinda Puri," Srinivas is gearing up for an ambitious venture – a socio-fantasy thriller with a staggering budget of Rs. 50 crores. This project marks the directorial debut of Ludhir Baireddy and is expected to be produced under either Shine Screens Productions or Moon Shine Pictures.
The film has generated considerable buzz, primarily due to its genre and budget. The fact that Srinivas has entrusted a newcomer with such a large-scale project indicates his confidence in the story and the director's vision. Reports suggest that renowned actors and skilled technicians will be part of this exciting endeavor.
The pre-production work for this untitled project is currently in progress, with the shooting slated to commence in June. An official announcement regarding the film is expected soon, further fueling anticipation among fans and industry insiders.
Entrusting a debutant director with a Rs. 50 crore project is undoubtedly a bold move by Bellamkonda Srinivas. It reflects his willingness to experiment and explore new avenues within the industry. Whether this gamble pays off remains to be seen, but it certainly adds an element of excitement and anticipation to his upcoming film.