Sreeleela, the young sensation who became talk of the Tollywood last year, 2023, is now on the verge of disappearing from the radar. This young actress who got introduced with 'PelliSandaD' in Raghavendra Rao's direction supervision pairing opposite veteran hero Srikanth's son Roshan. She earned recognition for her dancing skills which are quite rare these days for a good looking heroine. In 2022, her 'Dhamaka' released with Ravi Teja. It turned out to become blockbuster and made her overnight star.
In the year 2023, Sree Leela signed half a dozen films and give films for released so far since Dhamaka. Her last film was with Superstar Mahesh's Guntur Kaaram. None of her films repeated her 'Dhamaka' magic and her she is left with only one film in her hand now, Ustaad Bhagath Singh with Pawan Kalyan. Now, she got a big opportunity for her Tamil Debut.
There are rumours that talks are underway to cast Sreeleela as Ajith’s heroine, although nothing is confirmed yet. Sreeleela, starring in a Tamil film alongside Ajith Kumar would mark a significant milestone in her career. Thia film titled 'Good , Bad , Ugly' to be directed by Adhik Ravichandran while popular Tollywood production house Mythri Movie Makers are bankrolling the project.
However, it’s been reported that Ajith Kumar is against the idea of releasing two promos on his birthday, May 1. Ravichandran the director wants to showcase Ajith in a never-before-seen avatar to build hype for his project. Reportedly Ajith is being paid a whopping Rs 150 Crores as remuneration for this film.