After making a mark in Telugu cinema, young actress Sreeleela is gearing up to venture into Kollywood and establish her presence in neighboring states as well. According to a source from Chennai, Sreeleela has already appeared in several retail ads in Chennai and is now set to star in Tamil films to carve a niche for herself in Kollywood. Tamil filmmakers have taken notice of her work in films like 'Dhamaka' and 'Guntur Kaaram', praising her energetic dancing and performances.
While she may have been slightly disappointed with some superficial roles in Telugu films like 'Extra Ordinary Man' and 'Adhikeshava', Sreeleela received acclaim from superstar Mahesh Babu for her dancing in 'Guntur Kaaram'. It's not uncommon for popular Telugu actresses to transition to Tamil cinema, as seen with actresses like Krithi Shetty and Pooja Hegde, who ventured into Kollywood after achieving success in Telugu cinema.
Despite her initial concerns, Sreeleela found reassurance in the success of 'Bhagavanth Kesari', which justified the buzz surrounding its release. Described as good looking and talented, Sreeleela is eager to explore diverse and challenging roles that Tamil filmmakers might offer her. She is eagerly anticipating the release of her upcoming film 'Ustaad Bhagat Singh' with Pawan Kalyan in Tollywood, as she continues to seek substantial roles that will allow her to showcase her talent.