Dhoni to make entry into films. Former Indian cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni is poised to make his acting debut, as revealed by his wife Sakshi Dhoni during a press conference in Chennai. The couple recently announced the establishment of their production house, Dhoni Entertainment, with the Tamil film Let's Get Married, directed by Ramesh Thamilmani, being their first production. The film will also be released in Telugu and features Nadiya, Yogi Babu, and Mirchi Vijay.
Sakshi, alongside producer Shakthi, RJ Vijay, Nadhiya, Ramesh Thamilmani, Ivana, and Harish Kalyan, attended a press conference in Chennai to promote their first production. When asked about the possibility of MS Dhoni playing a lead role in a film, Sakshi expressed openness to the idea, stating, “If there’s something good, he may just (do it). He is not camera-shy. He has been acting in advertisements since 2006, and he is not afraid of facing the camera. So, might do it if there’s something good.”
She also mentioned that Dhoni would be well-suited for action films, saying, “Action. He is always in action. What would you choose for him? If we plan to make a movie with MS Dhoni as a hero, then it will only be an action-packed entertainer. If a character with a good story and good message comes, then MS Dhoni will consider acting in a movie.” Ramesh added, “He is a real-life superhero, and I would like to see him in a superhero film.”
Ramesh also spoke about the involvement of the producers in the film, noting that Sakshi was insistent on having a heroine who could speak Tamil authentically. He praised Dhoni's and Sakshi's support throughout the production, sharing Dhoni's words, “More than anything else, we should like what we have done. Everything else comes later. In that way, I am proud of what you guys have made with LGM.” Dhoni has watched the film three times and has been supportive of the project.
Dhoni, affectionately known as Thala (leader) in Tamil Nadu due to his association with the IPL team Chennai Super Kings, has a strong emotional connection with the state.