Prabhas Spirit bigger than Ranbir Animal."Spirit," the much-anticipated collaboration between superstar Prabhas and director Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has already sparked immense excitement among fans. A recent statement by composer Harshavardhan Rameshwar, a longtime collaborator of Vanga, has further intensified this anticipation. Rameshwar, who also composed the music for "Animal," recently visited the Tirumala temple and shared intriguing insights about "Spirit."
Expressing his joy at the success of "Animal," Rameshwar hinted at the grand scale of "Spirit," stating that it will be "bigger than Animal for sure" in terms of music. This statement has ignited a frenzy of speculation and excitement among fans, who are eagerly awaiting more details about the film.
However, some critics have expressed concerns about the portrayal of violence in "Animal," raising questions about its potential impact on Sandeep Reddy Vanga's approach to "Spirit." It remains to be seen whether these criticisms will influence the direction of "Spirit" or if Vanga will take a different approach.
Despite these concerns, anticipation for "Spirit" continues to mount, fueled by its association with the successful "Animal" and the promise of a grand cinematic experience.