Malayalam films often deliver strong content based, character oriented films. In this OTT age, other languages movie lovers always keep a tab on Malayalam films. Whenever the film is available on OTT platforms, they won't give it a miss. Once such movie avid movie lovers are waiting for is 'Kaathal The Core' headlined by Mammootty and Jyotika.
'Kaathal The Core,' directed by Jeo Baby of Great India Kitchen fame, has garnered praise from celebrities. Released on the 23rd of November, 2023, 'Kaathal The Core' has not only captivated the audience but has also received a resounding response from both fans and critics alike.
The much-awaited romantic drama, Kaathal The Core is all set to make its digital debut this December. According to the latest reports, the film will be streaming on Amazon Prime Video during the Christmas weekend, either on December 23 or December 24. Kaathal The Core marks the first collaboration between Mammootty and Jyotika.
The film, directed by Jeo Baby, is a heartwarming tale of love, friendship, and family, set in the backdrop of a picturesque hill station, based on a couple with complicated internal turmoil. This film marks the return of Jyotika to Malayalam cinema after a hiatus of 12 years, her last appearance being in 'Seetha Kalyanam' in 2009.