In 2010, Bollywood star Akshay Kumar and reputed filmmaker Sajid Nadiadwala teamed up for on the comic caper, Housefull, which over the years has turned out to be the biggest comic franchise of Indian Cinema. Now, the latest news is that 14 years later, the world of this caper is intact and the team is all ready to take the fifth part of Housefull on floors.
There have been ample speculations around Housefull 5 over the last few months. We have exclusively learnt from our Bollywood sources that Akshay Kumar and Sajid Nadiadwala are all set to take Housefull 5 on floors from January 2024.
In the past, Sajid Nadiadwala had confirmed his plans of making Housefull 5 on a massive budget of Rs 350 crore, and shoot it extensively in the UK. According to sources, the plans are on to take Housefull 5 on floors from January 15, 2024. “Housefull is a franchise close to both Akshay and Sajid. They both have cracked a subject that doesn’t just do justice to the world of this mad cap comedy, but also raises the stakes. The core plot is locked and the pre-production is in progress to take the film on floors with the first schedule from January 15,” revealed a source.
If everything goes well, the team is planning to release the fifth installment of House Full during Diwali 2024, Say our sources.