Shahrukh Khan who made history with two back-to-back Rs 1000 Crores grossers Pathaan and Jawan in the same year is gearing up for his next, Dunki with director Rajkumar Hirani. Coming to Jawan, it continues to get good business even as it enters its sixth week now. The Shah Rukh Khan starrer has already shattered many Box Office records and while it continues to do so, there's another exciting news for the fans now.
The Atlee directorial is gearing up for its OTT premiere soon. The credit roll of the film showed Netflix as its streaming partner and the film will soon be premiered on the OTT platform and there's a surprise associated with it. As per reports, Jawan is going to get premiered on Netflix on SRK's birthday - November 2. The film will be released online as the superstar's big present to his fans, marking the grand celebrations on the special day.
It is still running in theatre and is expected to do so until Ganapath hits the screens as the big Dussehra release this year. This will be followed by another celebration in the cinemas with the arrival of Salman Khan's Tiger 3 on Diwali. While Jawan has been enjoying a monopoly in theatres for over a month, it will take the party to Netflix now.
The film is running at around Rs 627 crore in India and at Rs 1125 crore worldwide. The post-theatrical streaming rights for Jawan have been sold to Netflix for a record Rs 150 crore. While Netflix usually secures a 4-week theatrical window for any film to stream on its platform, SRK's political actioner has been an exception. This is the rare time that Netflix will be streaming a film eight weeks after its theatrical release.