Guntur Kaaram budget shootingup. The budget for the highly anticipated film starring Superstar Mahesh Babu, titled "Guntur Kaaram," has reportedly surpassed the 150 crore mark, marking the highest budget in the actor's illustrious career. A source close to the production revealed that this increase in budget was driven by director Trivikram Srinivas's unwavering commitment to not compromise on any aspect of the film. Additionally, top producer Radhakrishna has displayed confidence in the project by investing substantial funds.
A significant development in the film's production occurred when Pooja Hegde was replaced by Sreeleela, leading to some necessary reshoots. Moreover, the team has diligently worked on crafting high-octane action sequences and lavishly mounted songs set in picturesque foreign locales. Presently, they are gearing up to shoot crucial scenes featuring Mahesh Babu and the second lead, Meenakshi Choudhary, to ensure the film offers a complete and engaging entertainment experience.
The Mahesh-Trivikram duo previously tasted great success with "Athadu," although they encountered a less favorable outcome with "Khaleja," which didn't perform well at the box office. Despite delays in shooting and changes in the crew, such as the cinematographer, Trivikram remains undeterred and is resolute in delivering a blockbuster. With "Guntur Kaaram" set for release during the Sankranti festival next January, they are optimistic about recouping their significant investment.
It's worth noting that exceeding pre-planned budgets has become a common trend in the Telugu film industry in recent times.