Entire film industry, especially Kollywood got a huge shock when reports came that NIA (National Investigative Agency) sent notices and summons to Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, after investigating her personal assistant Adhilingam who was arrested from a fishing boat in Kerala on 18 August 2023 for arms and drugs smuggling.
This spread like wildfire and in the midst of all this, many started analyzing even the ramifications. In the meantime, Varalakshmi Sarathkumar issued a press statement, rubbishing the news of NIA notices to her. Varalakshmi's press release ran in the following way.
“In light of recent events, I feel that it's important to address this issue for the purpose of clarity. All the news information circulating mentioning that I have been summoned by the NIA relating to a case involving Mr. Adilingam are false and mere rumors. No such summons have been issued. No requests for personal appearance anywhere has been made (sic).”
“Mr. Adilingam had worked with me only for a brief period 3 years ago as a freelance manager. During this period I was also simultaneously working with many other freelance managers. After his tenure, we've not had any association or communication with each other to date. I am equally shocked at the news. I would be happy to be of assistance to the government in any way possible.”
“Its disappointing that celebrities are being used and pulled into the news these days without any truth or clarifications from the involved persons. I request the media to publish articles and information based on facts rather than speculate at the humongous cost of reputation (sic).”