Power Star Pawan Kalyan, chief of Janasena, is surprising all with his resolve even after facing a shock defeat in the recently held elections in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. While his party Janasena got decimated, he too got defeated in Bheemavaram and Gajuwaka. Many expected Pawan to dissolve his party and return back to films.
However, Pawan Kalyan made it clear that he will be in full-fledged politics and in no mood to back off. Pawan has been visiting various constituencies and during his interaction with Naraspuram constituency leaders and cadre, he said, “One can emerge victorious only if they remain patient and have the courage to face defeats.
Even if people do not vote for me, I will work to solve their problems. Many got dejected after my defeat in Bheemavaram. However within ten minutes, I regained my composure and thought what next and how long we will rue the defeat. I will run the party till my last breath.”
Pawan Kalyan then shocked all saying, “My brother Chiranjeevi's mild nature resulted in Praja Rajyam debacle. He with mild nature and pressure failed to run Praja Rajyam. Had he made all the leaders to sit and motivated talking to them like what I am doing now, Praja Rajyam would have been existing today. Janasena has one MLA now and in future, the party will occupy all the seats in the AP assembly."
Pawan Kalyan also said that his party has decided not to comment on the newly-formed YSRCP government till it completed 100 days in office.