Nandamuri Harikrishna’s daughter Suhasini will contest from Kukatpally assembly constituency which is allotted to TDP as part of the Maha Kootami led by the Congress party. Suhasini along with her uncle Balakrishna paid tributes to her grandfather and former Chief Minister NT Rama Rao at NTR Ghat in Hyderabad yesterday, before filing her nomination.
Curiously, NTR and Kalyan Ram who didn’t come out in public have just released a press note to lend their support. Reports are coming that, the Nandamuri brothers are in high spirits for allotting ticket to their sister, though they are somehow discontented for not consulting or giving prior information to them.
The big question is will NTR and Kalyan Ram campaign for TDP in the coming elections. Balakrishna clarified saying, “Kalyan Ram and Tarak will campaign when they are free.”
About TDP allotting Kukatpally seat to Suhasini, Balakrishna said, “TDP always encouraged women in politics. For the first time, a lady from Nandamuri family is contesting in elections.”
Balakrishna later requested TDP leaders and workers to extend support for Suhasini so that she can win with thumping majority.