It is known that Nandamuri Harikrishna's daughter Nandamuri Suhasini filed her nomination from Kukatpally constituency to contest the upcoming assembly elections on TDP ticket. Natasimha Balakrishna wished her and sought the support of all the people of the state. Even Young Tiger Ntr and Kalyan Ram wished their sister on the occasion.
In a press note, Ntr and Kalyan Ram said, "TDP, the party founded by Ntr garu, is very much sacred to us. Our late father Hari Krishna garu had served to the party. Now, our sister Suhasini garu is going to serve to the same party. She is contesting from Kukatpally assembly constituency. Our family firmly believes that women should play a key role in society. In same spirit and energy, we extend complete support to our sister who is getting ready to serve people. We wish her a great victory. Jai Ntr. Johar Hari Krishna."
In the meantime it is coming out that Ntr was extremely hurt and talk is on whether the gap between Nandamuri family members will increase even further. Kalyan Ram and Ntr are hurt and ruing in front of their close aides saying that the politics behind the nomination of their sister Suhasini came as a shocker for them and they were never taken into confidence either by AP CM, TDP chief Chandra Babu Naidu and Balakrishna. They indeed came to know about it only through media reports.
Kalyan Ram and Ntr are against having rivalry with Telangana CM and TRS chief KCR who paid floral tributes to their dad Nandamuri Harikrishna. Even Suhasini during her media interaction yesterday didn’t answer in affirmation when asked whether she has the support of her brothers Kalyan Ram and Ntr.
Buzz is Balakrishna himself has taken the responsibility of ensuring the victory of Suhasini and under these circumstances pressure is increasing on Ntr to campaign for TDP in Telangana. Many felt that the good rapport formed between Ntr and Balakrishna after the demise of Harikrishna and during Aravinda Sametha success meet, now once again is getting broken due to the latest developments according to the analysts.