Chief Minister K Rosaiah on Friday turned down Opposition demands for a probe by the House or an Experts Committee into alleged mishandling of irrigation projects covered under the prestigious ‘Jalayagnam’.
Mr Rosaiah instead told the State Assembly during Question Hour that the government would undertake a thorough review of the flagship ‘Jalayaganam’ programme and prioritise irrigation projects.
He said that that the process of review has been already started. He said that the government will prioritise major irrigation projects by allocating more funds to projects which can provide water to farmers immediately.
Leader of Opposition N Chandrababu Naidu contended that improper implementation of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) had led to cost escalation and time overruns. Mr Naidu alleged that the government had not ensured significant addition of new 'aycut' even after investing over Rs 50,000 crore in the last five years.