Power Star Pawan Kalyan, chief of Jana Sena surprised not only analysts but also fans when he issued a strong warning, during the party's internal discussions. It is known that Pawan is readying to show his power in the 2019 elections and is leaving no stone unturned to win the hearts of all sections of people.
In the meantime it is coming out that Pawan Kalyan asked his fans and party cadre, that one cannot become leaders just by erecting flexies. He said one should forego their egos and work unitedly as a team for the favorable results.
Inside talk is Pawan used strong and harsh words. Many felt it was unlike him, when he maintained shocking silence when his fans troubled various celebrities not allowing them to speak on stage at various film functions.
His fans who are disappointed are head commenting that Pawan could have conveyed the same message in a more softer tone.