Opposition Leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy called Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan ‘Nithya Pellikoduku’, claiming that the actor-politician lacks ethics. Getting personal, the YSRCP leader said, “Pawan Kalyan has four wives and he speaks about values. He changes wives as if changing new cars every four to five years. Had we done the same thing, we would be put behind bars.”
Incensed with the remarks, Pawan Kalyan fans and others also took to Twitter or other platforms to condemn Jagan. They claimed that Jagan couldn’t tackle Pawan Kalyan politically and hence resorted to this personal attack.
Interestingly, ruling party leaders also condemned Jagan’s personal attack on Pawan Kalyan. Agriculture minister Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy said that it was not correct to resort to personal criticism in the political life. The Minister said that as the bandh called by YSRCP failed, Jaganmohan Reddy was speaking with frustration.
Fans and others expected Pawan Kalyan to give fitting reply to YS Jagan who is not a clean leader and even went to jail in a disproportionate assets case. But, Pawan Kalyan behaved maturely and requested fans not to target family members of Jagan.
“I came to know that, Sri YS Jagan’s recent personal attack on me perturbed many people. I am completely against personal attacks and won’t do such things for political gains. I will defy with other parties only regarding the public policies and I don’t have enmity with any leader.
I humbly request one and all not to drag family members, especially ladies from YS Jagan’s family into the contention. I also request everybody to put an end to this issue.”
Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan is lauded for his mature behavior and timely reaction!