Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Friday said that the TRS government has achieved numerous achievements in the various sectors in two and half years. Speaking in the Assembly, Chandrasekhar Rao said that the State Government successfully dealt with the power crisis in the state within a short span of time.
Stating that the welfare sector was given a priority, Chandrasekhar Rao said that TRS government allocated huge funds to the sector and was providing pension to the senior citizen, widows and disabled people.
The Chief Minister said that under the Mission Kakatiya Scheme, the state government revived 16,000 tanks till now. He said that the due to recent rains, these tanks were full to their brims giving a ray of hope to the farmers who were distressed due to consecutive droughts in the state. He also said that the state government was successful in getting more national highways for the state and was making continuous in this regard with the Centre. The state government is making now for the injustice meted to the state over the years. In two years, we were successful in getting over 2700 km long national highways, which is more than what previous governments gave to Telangana during the last seven decades, the CM added.
Kcr said that the TRS government was making strenuous efforts to ensure all round development to achieve golden state.