A day after the AICC leader Digvijay Singh accused the Trs government of pursuing anti-farmers policies, the Trs hit back at the Congress leader saying that he is not aware of the agri-sector in the state and was indulging in mudslinging over the issue.
Speaking to media persons, Trs leader B. Venkateshwarlu hit out at the Congress leader saying that he should not stoop low to speak lies about the farmers issues.
The Trs leader accused Digvijay of looting the state as in-charge of party affairs in the state. He said that the farmers were happy and the government was striving for their welfare through various initiatives.
In a separate media conference, Chief Whip in Legislative Council and Trs leader Pathuri Sudhakar Reddy lashed out at AICC leader Digvijay Singh saying that he is not aware of the facts. A party which never bothered to solve the problems of farmers during its regime in now talking about farm crisis in the state now, the Trs leader said. He said that the Congress leaders were making false allegation regarding farm loans and loan waiver and added that the Congress should not forget that the Trs government has waived off Rs 17,000 crore farm loans. He said that the tanks in the state have received enough water during recent rains and hoped that the farmers will get a good crop yield in Rabi season. He said that the state government has taken various pro-farmers initiatives and added that the state would soon reap the benefits of the same.