Union Minister For Railways Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has accorded in-principle for setting up a “Rolling Stock Components Rehabilitation Workshop” in Andhra Pradesh on Thursday. The Workshop will be set up at a cost of Rs. 280 Crores.
The “Rolling Stock Components Rehabilitation Workshop” is meant to undertake Overhauling and Rehabilitation of important mechanical components such as Center Buffer Coupler, Precision Roller Bearings, Draft Gears, Critical Air brake Components etc., pertaining to High Speed Coaches and Wagons on Indian Railways.
Special purpose critical machines to be installed in the Workshop will be used to rehabilitate the components and supply the same to meet the requirements of various Workshops in the region where the Periodic Over Haul of coaches and wagons is undertaken including the Lallaguda Workshop, Rayanapadu Workshop and Tirupati Workshop on South Central Railway besides those at Hubli, Perambur, Mancheshwar etc.,